10 things you may not know about me.

10 things you may not know about me.

How predictable a “get to know me post”.  Well, I promise to try and not disappoint.  Since my whole, theme is to get personal with my audience and show you my perspective I thought what better way to give you an insight into my history.

1. My mother suffered her second stroke while I was in elementary School

I don’t remember much about what happened I was probably 9 or 10. I just recall my mother complaining about a migraine after dropping me off at school.  Then my father picking me up and letting me know she was in the hospital.My mother suffered her first stroke at age 18, leaving her partially paralyzed.  Although this fact is about my mother it’s also a major influence on the woman I am today.   Growing up with a disabled parent is humbling and eye opening.  It has made me more empathetic to others disabilities as well as inspired me.  My mother endured a lot but I never heard her complain.  Her strength to overcome the many obstacles she has faced has inspired me in many ways.

2. I suffered from post-partum depression after my second daughter was born.

After I had my youngest daughter 7 years ago I was diagnosed with post-partum depression.  During which time I had to fly out of state with both my kids, at the time 4 yrs and 3 mos to visit my father who was hospitalized.  It was a really rough time I tried medication although I really didn’t feel and impact and I quit therapy after 4 sessions.  Eventually, I felt much better anyway.

3. My father received a heart transplant while we were estranged for 5 years.

During my final year of high school, back in 2000 my father changed his phone number and cut me off.  I had no way of contacting him.  I later would find out after suffering two heart attacks he got bumped up on the donor list and received a heart transplant.  Then out of the blue, he reached out to my mother in 2005 to get ahold of me unaware I had already moved out on my own with my then boyfriend/future husband.  She provided my contact information and we never spoke of his reasons for not speaking time for years.  We picked up like nothing happen he immediately flew out to visit and meet my fiance and gave me away at my wedding.  I was just happy to have my Daddy back, he then passed away 8 years later so I’m blessed we were able to reconcile.

4. I love cats and dogs.

I’ve owned a total of 4 dogs in my lifetime and 9 cats.  My last job was a dog-friendly office however since I didn’t go bananas over every dog that set foot in the door I had the reputation for hating dogs especially since I was a cat owner.  However, it is possible to like both.  My lifestyle is just more conducive to being a cat owner.  I used to travel a lot and I”m rarely home.  When I did own dogs on my own they were very neglected.  So I opt for cats.  My girls have three cats and I took in a stray at my new place.

5. I had my first alcoholic beverage the moment I turned 21

I was vehemently against underage drinking,  I still am actually.  Neither one of my parents were drinkers so I was never even around alcohol.  So when I turned 21 I went to Vegas ordered my first drink, per the suggestion my boyfriend provided (a lemon drop) and to my dismay, I wasn’t even carded!

6. I have not met all of my siblings.

Although I am my mother’s only child I am 1 of 6 of my father’s kids.  I am his youngest.  Most of my life I grew up only knowing my sister who is now deceased, and two of the brothers. There are two other boys, one I met at my sisters funeral when I was 29 and there is another sister who was tragically murdered.  So when I’m asked how many siblings I have I always have to count it out in my head to remember.

7. One of my favourite bands is Aerosmith.

And my favourite song is “Dream On”. For some reason I’m expected to only enjoy Hip-Hop so this may or may not come as a shock but I love all kinds of music.  It has been a passion of mine for years and I’m just a sucker for a great guitar solo and riff.  A close second would be Nine Inch Nails, but is that really a band? Or Trent Reznor and his backup.

8. I studied music recording in junior college.

My first goal was to be an Intellectual Property Lawyer, ironic because I was a heavy user of Napster and Limewire.  When I first started college I was taking electronic music classes and engineering.  My college counsellor convinced me that there was no money to be made in music and to give up.

9. I prefer driving a manual shift car.

The first stick shift car I drove was my father’s 1995 Ford F-150 I only controlled the clutch while he changed the gears on a shifter that resembled the ones I see on the Muni buses.  When I finally got my license, my uncles, 1981 Volvo was passed on to me and it was a stick.  At that time I still didn’t know how to drive it.  Eventually, my boyfriend needed his car and told me if I didn’t learn to drive stick I wouldn’t be able to go to work  I learned in one day and since then I have owned 5 other stick shift cars. I aspire to one day drive on a race track.

10. I have a fear of swimming

I can’t swim.  Took lessons in elementary school but never learned.  However, during a trip to Key West I went snorkelling and long story short almost drowned my husband after I began panicking.  I was rushed out of the water and ever since then, I’m extremely afraid of large bodies of water.BONUS. I have a schizophrenic nephew.There is a history of mental illness in my family. My nephew was diagnosed with a learning disability at a young age and growing up I watched him struggle in school. Regularly bullied and victimized by others sometimes even adults and later in his early 20’s diagnosed with schizophrenia.It’s a very scary, debilitating disease. It has been very difficult to watch but it’s something that has taught me a lot. I’m more empathetic towards those suffering from mental illness. I also have zero tolerance for bullying, slut shaming and anything else with the sole purpose of making someone feel less than.