“Is anyone good at dating?”

“Is anyone good at dating?”

I honestly never dated. I met my husband at work and my high school boyfriends before that at work or school.  No guy has ever truly had to “court” me.   The first two years of my relationship we had two male roommates.  I was often the only girl around and although I’m girly and love pink and everything sweet I love a good dirty joke, dabbled in video games and drink beer and whiskey.  I often wonder although I dress like a girl, look like a girl, walk like a girl am I “girly” enough for the average guy.  I thought so but I’m pretty blunt and direct to the point.  I’m not sure this is attractive I’m not the “damsel in distress” type.  I’m guilty of making politically incorrect jokes and I hate most rom-coms.  Not that I ever want to be “saved” but is that what guys want? Has this behavior limited my dating pool?

I’m not good at dating.

I think I’m awkward.  I say what’s on my mind.  I don’t know the art that is “playing hard to get”.  I’m more of an ‘I like you so do you like me? Check yes or no.’

In my marriage, we were brutally honest with each other.  I’m sure on numerous occasions we had told the other they looked fat in a garment without the other even asking.  But I often wonder if I play these games, not really say what I mean would I get better results!

Is anyone good at dating?

I’d like to know please share your best dating tips.  How did you win over that 🔥 guy?

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